Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Cylone Picture Book Essay

Cylone Picture Book Essay Cylone Picture Book Essay Isn't it crazy how life is one thing then in a second it becomes something else. Here I am, Sophie. A boring girl walking her dog in a small quite town. Then suddenly everything happens. At first I thought it was a little wind then I was blown off my feet and slammed against the pavement my dog pushed on-top of me. Then I realised it was a cyclone. The wind rung though my ears, like a loud high pitched scream. I could feel myself losing balance as the wind slammed though me. I picked up my dog and ran. I don't know what I was thinking when I ran. I just ran. The wind was stronger than ever and I could feel myself being dragged from the ground. I grabbed a tree and held on to it, but not for long after a second the tree uprooted and was flung across the road me going with it. I felt my eyes close as my head smashed against the floor. Jaxx? Where is Jaxx!? I shouted. Jaxx was my 3 month old Pomeranian husky and he was the best thing that ever happened to me. I could hear a loud cry it pierced though my ears. I scrambled towards it. Jaxx was trapped underneath a broken street lamp. I squeezed him out and hoisted him against me, the wind was so strong and debris was flying in every direction smashing against my skin. Then I saw something spectacular. Right in the middle of the cyclone there was an untouched spot, a safe spot. It was the eye of the cyclone. I started to run toward it my eyes aching from the wind. I charged through the cyclone inching towards the centre. In the eye everything was still and calm. I stood there in awe of the sight. I was standing untouched while the world around me

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Cultural Geography Overview

Cultural Geography Overview Cultural geography is one of the two major branches of geography (versus physical geography) and is often called human geography. Cultural geography is the study of the many cultural aspects found throughout the world and how they relate to the spaces and places where they originate and then travel as people continually move across various areas. What Is Cultural Geography? Some of the main cultural phenomena studied in cultural geography include language, religion, different economic and governmental structures, art, music, and other cultural aspects that explain how and/or why people function as they do in the areas in which they live. Globalization is also becoming increasingly important to this field as it is allowing these specific aspects of culture to easily travel across the globe. Cultural landscapes are also important because they link culture to the physical environments in which people live. This is vital because it can either limit or nurture the development of various aspects of culture. For instance, people living in a rural area are often more culturally tied to the natural environment around them than those living in a large metropolitan area. This is generally the focus of the Man-Land Tradition in the Four Traditions of geography and studies human impact on nature, the impact of nature on humans, and people’s perception of the environment. Cultural geography developed out of the University of California, Berkeley and was led by Carl Sauer. He used landscapes as the defining unit of geographic study and said that cultures develop because of the landscape but also help to develop the landscape as well. In addition, his work and the cultural geography of today is highly qualitative rather than quantitative - a main tenant of physical geography. Today, cultural geography is still practiced and more specialized fields within it such as feminist geography, childrens geography, tourism studies, urban geography, the geography of sexuality and space, and political geography have developed to further aid in the study of cultural practices and human activities as they relate spatially to the world.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing in the United Kingdom Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Marketing in the United Kingdom - Research Paper Example In general context, U.K. has undergone a distinct demographic transition. This form of transition can be stated as a shift from the pre-industrial population with high mortality rates and birth rate, through a phase of rapid population growth and falling mortality rate, towards a stage of low mortality and birth rate. It is clearly evident that in initial phase there was low population growth rate, which again shifted to faster growth rate and finally witnessed a turmoil, which resulted in low population growth rate. In the last two decades, natural change observed in population growth rate was accompanied with net international immigration within the country. The overall population of U.K., as per 2011 census, was approximately 63,182,000. In the European Union, U.K. is considered to be the third-largest in terms of population size. On the other hand, in context of population density too, the region is regarded as the largest compared to neighbouring countries. Its population densit y can be denoted as, per square kilometre, there are approximately 259 people. The south-east of England accounts for about one-third of the total population. Majority of the population resides in either suburban or urban area. There are about 8million people who reside in the capital city of this region, London. The population of U.K. is majorly White British. This nation was located nearby to Continental Europe; hence, the different regions encompassed within U.K. have been subjected to various migrations and invasions.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Palestine Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Palestine - Assignment Example The regimes belonging to Britain and France referred to as mandates, in this context. France garnered mandate over Syria just after carving out the Lebanon as a state with a Christian majority. Britain took mandate over areas towards West Bank, Israel, Gaza Strip, and Jordan. In the year 1921, Britain subdivided the region into two parts, from the East of Jordan River transformed into the Emirates of Transjordan, ruled by Faysal’s brother. The other part was from West to the Jordan River, which changed into the Palestine Mandate. Palestine at this time was a unified political unit, for their first time in contemporary history. Agreements should unite all citizens regardless of religion or culture. Nonetheless, the failure to implement article 14 and 15 promoted religious conflicts. It meant that the state never had a defined code for religious claims and rights. Therefore, it led many of the people to oppose the Britain and French oppression as violations of their democratic rights towards self-determination. The state of Palestine worsened as the British failed to fulfill an agreement in the support of the initialization of Jewish national code. Therefore, the divergent opinions by the Palestinian Arab towards the British Mandate thwarted much anticipation for self-rule. In accord, they opposed the Jewish immigration as they considered it a threat to their religious positions. Such feeling of animosity led to the rise of clashes between the Jews and the Arabs in Palestine. Therefore, the failure of Britain to owe up to its promises led to discrepancies that are even continuing in the civilized state in the world. Therefore, rather than preparing the country for self-rule the mandate agreement it sowed the seeds of Arab-Israeli

Sunday, November 17, 2019

What are your perceptions on the universal declaration Essay Example for Free

What are your perceptions on the universal declaration Essay One Amazing Thing by: Chitra Divakaruni. It was first published in the US in voice by Hyperion in 2009 and later published by Penguin books India February 2010. The book also has 240 pages. Chitra B. Divakaiumi is an award winning author poet. Her work is widely known, as she has been published in over 500 magazines. Including Atlantic Monthly and The New Yorker, and her writing has been included in over 50 anthologies. She was born in India and lived there until 1976. At which point she left Calcutta and came to the United States. A young woman Uma, sits in the waiting room of the India passport office. She starts to get very impatient, and she entertains herself by observing the other people in the waiting room with her. Everyone has a reason of why they want to enter into India. In the waiting area their waits an Africa American war veteran Cameron who takes charge, but some are unhappy about it. A Muslim names Tariq. An upper class Caucasian couple that really don’t get alone. A Chinese grandmother with a secret past, and her granddaughter, two visa office workers on the verge of and affair Malathi and Mr. Mangalam, and Uma. As they all set in the waiting area Uma starts to feel a little rumbling and that when the earthquake strikes. When everything settles down, there were some major injuries as well as some minor injuries. People started to go into survival mode, as there is little food to eat. The office starts to flood. So emotional stress seems to much for everyone to handle as they wait to be rescued or die. So that’s when Uma comes up with everyone telling â€Å"One Amazing Thing† , about themselves because she believes that no one can go through life without encountering at least one amazing thing. So everyone begin to tell one amazing thing that they have never told anyone before. With One Amazing Thing everyone discover so much from each other as well as their selves. Elderly Caucasian couple Mr. and Mrs. Pritchet going through a difficult time in their marriage, an Indian-Muslim man Tariq who is disillusioned and angry with the new US, as Chinese lady Jiang who loved and lost a man in her younger days, her granddaughter Lily, a middle age army officer haunted by his guilt Cameron, Malathi a visa officer who is engaging in a affair with her boss, Mr. Mangalam on the verge of an extra-martial affair, an Indian-American student Uma, who is confused by her parents decision to return to Kolkata after living in the US for over 20 years. The plot focuses on a group of strangers who are trapped in a visa office. Most customers even some staff have come and gone, but nine people remain in the office. When an earthquake rips through the afternoon, trapping these nine characters together, their focus first is to survive through the struggle. There is a little food from which came from what people had. The office begins to flood, and everyone starts to panic and get really scared and frustrated. So when the emotional stress seems to be to much for them to bear, the young lady Uma tells them to tell a personal tale about them that no one knows about â€Å"One Amazing Thing†, from what they have been through in life. So all of their stories from the romance, self-discovery, family, etc. This novel really proves the power of a lot of stories and the meaning of us as human’s expressions itself. In my opinion the book â€Å"One Amazing Thing†, is an engaging book because it reinforces the idea that all of us are different and unique in our own ways, and that we all have stories of our lives that may be interesting or not to tell. We all can connect to this book or see one another if we are willing to take the time out to listen to people. Because everyone has a something to tell, and amazing is not always positive words. But describes something that might have changed a life, or the course of someone life. Some of the stories are very heart breaking, but all of them paint a picture in some way of the characters and why they may be who they have become.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

KATA PENGANTAR Puji Syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT, Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang, karena atas Rahmat dan karunianya maka Pengabdian Masyarakat †Pelatihan Pembuatan Web bagi Kelompok Informasi Masyarakat† telah selesai dilaksanakan dan dapat berjalan dengan lancar sesuai dengan perencanaan. Diharapkan penyelenggaraan pelatihan tersebut dapat bermanfaat bagi seluruh peserta khususnya dan bagi masyarakat pada umumnya sehingga mampu meningkatkan ketrampilan pengelolaan di bidang Web Site. Laporan kegiatan ini sangat penting dibuat sebagai bukti pertanggungjawaban pelaksanaan kegiatan yang telah dilasanakan dan harus disampaikan kepada pim-pinan. Adapun tujuan dibuatnya laporan ini adalah sebagai berikut : 1. Sebagai dasar untuk pengembangan rencana selanjutnya. 2. Sebagai penentuan kebijakan atasan 3. Sebagai bukti laporan kegiatan yang telah di laksanakan 4. Untuk mengetahui proses dan perkembangan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan. Dalam laporan ini berikut kami sampaikan tentang : Dasar Penyelenggaraan, Tujuan Pelatihan, Pembiayaan , Kompetensi,Pelaksanaan, J...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Huksley Maquiladora Essay

1. PROBLEM STATEMENT Huxley Manufacturing Co. is an engineering company and possesses cutting-edge technology in raw material processing and part assembling. The main customer for Huxley is the US defense department. In recent years many factors were changing. Increase in the costs involved for R&D, higher â€Å"knowledge intensity† of defense products and reduced allocation by the federal government as funds towards the defense budget. These changes had made the US defense department move away from the use of sole vendors to more competitive bidding. Price became the most important selection criteria. US firms like Huxley were still the major suppliers; even then purchase from foreign supplier had started. The situation had kindled the idea in Huxley’s management to proceed in search of viable strategic operations to cope with the pricing and at the same time maintain the standards which Huxley had established. Robert Chan, the CEO of Huxley had initiated a plan to assess the advantages in moving the operations of the San Diego plant to Mexico. The team led by Philips has to give a report with detailed analysis. 2. RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1. â€Å"IMPROVE† UNDER THE EXISTING APPROACH: This recommendation insists on retaining the labor intensive operations to the existing plant at San Diego. Though this is not the most effective of the recommendations, with the budgets allocated for defense falling sharply, Huxley can still plan to improve training so that the trained employees are able to cope up with the activities performed. The actual turnover does not happen because the employees are not satisfied with the salaries but the employees feel that they could not master the required job skills. Huxley can increase the duration of the training provided to the employees. The quality of training can also be monitored and it effectiveness increased by intermediate assessment of the quality of work of the employees. This is a viable option for improving in the existing setup. 3.2. â€Å"OUT SOURCE† THE LABOR INTENSIVE ACTIVITIES: As stated, the labor intensive operations are the main focus for Huxley. As a measure to reduce the cost in such activities, the company can as well look into other option like out sourcing such activities to partners within US. This recommendation will remove the overhead of training and employee turnover from Huxley. Under such an operation Huxley can still command the same quality and standards from the out sourced company. Frequent visits from the mangers will also serve the purpose. In case the federal government further reduces the funding for defense activities and the profits for the business become too low Huxley can as well tell the out sourced company to stop the production and still be out of the overhead of reassigning the employees those would have been in the operation. 3.3. ACQUIRE THE COMPANY IN DENVER, COLORADO Purchasing the company in Denver Colorado which is capable of performing the operations similar to the San Diego plant can be another recommendation. It gives Huxley a leverage of being located in the same country. Since the head office of Huxley is in United States, they will be well aware of the laws and regulations of the state. It would be easier to operate another plant in the same country of sale and where the existing company already operates. Huxley can then plan strategic training to lure employees to the plant in Denver and follow employee retention policies to reduce any turnover if it occurs. 3.4. MOVING THE SCC OPERATIONS TO MEXICO Well, the most expected solution which the CEO is interested in would be moving the operations of the San Diego plant to Mexico. Operating in a foreign land is a riskier endeavor. The inter country trade rule can vary and completely change from the most favorable to the least favorable within a short span of time. The operation also needs to be determined based on the availability of projects to keep such an activity going on. The time taken to start and costs associated with the different types of Maquiladora vary widely. Since we anticipate a long term venture, the startup time can be removed from the consideration, but the costs and other several factors such as Labor availability, Transportation cost, Housing for the employees, the quality of the employee employed and the Labor cost involved should be taken as important criterion. Since any kind of operation requires an US manager to be in the Mexican plant, the quality of life of the manager should also be considered. 3.5.1. â€Å"OPTIONS† FOR OPERATING: For Huxley to be operating in Mexico, there are three main modes of operations that can be followed. These include the sub contracting operation, sheltering operation and the wholly owned subsidiary. A detailed comparison can be found in Exhibit 1. Keeping most of the constraints constant for further analysis, the â€Å"Shelter† operation has the most suitable offering for Huxley to start. It gives Huxley control over the quality of the products developed. Also providing the option for converting it into a â€Å"full blown† in Mexico as the company grew, or control could be turned over to the shelter partner to form a contract operation. The major consideration in operating a Maquiladora is the labor cost that is involved. Cheap labor does not mean consistent labor. The availability of quality labor and the turnover rate determine the location of the Maquiladora within the Mexican country. IN A LOCATION NEAR THE BORDER For the location of a Maquiladora, two major factors contribute to the decision. The availability of labor is high in the borders, as is the turnover rate due to inadequate housing options available to the employees and their families. Which means that the cost spent on training is going to high. The high availability of labor reduces the cost of labor involved in the production. The bright side is that the transportation cost would be greatly reduced and the quality of life of the US manager would be better off than being located in the interior. If Huxley wanted to retain the employees, then it has to further invest on the housing options for the employee to bring the turnover rate down. Investing on housing will further increase the production cost of the goods produced as the cost expensed has to be recovered from the products developed. IN AN INTERIOR LOCATION: A location in the interior provides cheap Mexican materials and also cheap labor. While this is an advantage to the operation, the quality of life for the American manager will be much worse than in the border. The roads, facilities and communications might not be as good as they are in the border. On the one hand it reduces the cost of goods sold and the cost of labor, but on the other hand it increase the transportation cost. We anticipate that a load will be shipped every day, five day a week, except for the 8 holidays. The recommendations are good in each having its own merits. The data on the availability of project and the forecasted future are uncertain. These might as well be the deciding factor when in comes to the final decision.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Eurofood Case Analysis

EuroFood Case Analysis: History: EuroFood was created by French restaurateur, Mr Vigneau which specializes in the importing and distributing of food products from Europe to Hong Kong. EuroFood has faced a problem with inventory costs. The Olivier Company decided to buy EuroFood on the condition that inventory levels has to be reduced from its current level of 11 million Hong Kong Dollars to at least 4 million Hong Kong Dollars (assumption). In order to achieve the inventory reduction a plan of action has to proposed which details the solution to the current high levels of inventory. All the products brought to Hong Kong are shipped either by plane or through cargo boats (channels of distribution). The exclusively perishable products shipped through airplanes have no inventory records to be kept. The only inventory of Euro Foods is the products shipped via boats. The products shipped through boats are divided mainly into two types: 1. Complete Container: Contains products shipped from the same supplier. Complete container takes about 20 days to ship from Europe to Hong Kong and costs 0. Hong Kong Dollars per kilogram 2. Consolidated container: Contains products shipped from a group of suppliers using the same container as a rented facility. This shipping takes about 30 days to reach the customer and costs about 3 Hong Kong Dollars per kilogram. Main Problem: * The current level of inventory of Euro Foods is worth $11 million. This is too much compared to the Olivier Company which has the same volume of business as Euro Foods with a corresponding inventory level o f only $4 million. The order quantity is high due to wrong forecasting which leads to high inventory costs * Some products have higher inventory costs than its annual sales( Eg: The product Carton Peach has an inventory cost of $437,113 and an annual sale of $ 253,248 which led to profits of only $68,377) * Due to higher inventory levels of the products the annual profit from the respective products are significantly lower compared to products which has lower inventory level. There are too many product categories (around 200 different products) which has higher inventory levels and lower annual sales(Eg: The product Crozes Hermitage 1984 has $158 annual sales but the inventory level is $2045 and total profit is only $47) Solutions: * Cut down the products which has low profit and low annual sales but high inventory costs(Eg:Crozes Hermitage 1984 * Concentrate on top sale products like for example UHT Whipping cream 1 Liter, Portion Butter Unsalted etc. hose annual sales are high com pared to inventory costs * Make the forecasting of all products more accurate by using better forecasting techniques which can reduce the inventory level and ordering quantity more accurate * Top sale products like Whipping cream and Butter has to ordered more frequently based on the accurate forecast (using combined container) rather than storing it because these products can go bad easily. Combine the products from the same supplier to reduce the ordering quantity(Eg: Products from Supplier â€Å"Besnier† can be combined into the same container) * Negotiate with current suppliers to reduce the ordering cost * Seek third party distributors to get a lower shipping cost if negotiation with current suppliers does not work out. Assumption: * The holding costs and inventory costs affect the profit of the products * Time Frame in which the inventory reduction has to be achieved is irrelevant(Assumption)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

A Review of Reading Eggspress

A Review of Reading Eggspress Reading Eggspress is an interactive online program intended for students in grades second through sixth and designed to build reading and comprehension skills. Reading Eggspress is a direct extension of the Reading Eggs program. Both programs are sold as a single unit. This means that if you purchase the program for Reading Eggs, you also have access to Reading Eggspress and vice versa. The two programs are uniquely different, but intertwined at their core. Whereas Reading Eggs is a learning to read program, Reading Eggspress is a reading to learn program. The program was originally developed in Australia by Blake Publishing, but brought to schools in the United States by the same company that developed Study Island, Archipelago Learning. Reading Eggspress was designed to actively engage students in fun, interactive activities that build their vocabulary knowledge, comprehension skills, and overall reading level. The components found in Reading Eggspress include a wide range of lessons, learning resources, games designed to motivate, and e-books. This program is not intended to replace traditional classroom instruction, but instead as a supplemental program that can aid in comprehension skill building. There are 240 interactive comprehension lessons in 24 levels of Reading Eggspress. Each level contains ten books that students can choose from. There are five   non-fiction and  fiction books to choose for every level. Each unique lesson includes five pre-reading activities that build and teach comprehension strategies. At the end of each lesson is a passage from a story. Students are required to read the passage and answer a set of sixteen comprehension questions to assess a student’s understanding of that passage. Students must score a 75% or better on the quiz to move on to the next level. Reading Eggspress is Teacher/Parent Friendly Reading Eggspress is easy to add a single student or a whole class.Reading Eggspress has terrific reporting that makes it easy to monitor individual student or whole class progress.Reading Eggspress provides teachers with a downloadable letter to send home to parents. The letter explains what Reading Eggspress is and provides login information for students to work on the program at home at no additional cost. It also provides parents with the opportunity to have an account to track their student’s progress at no additional cost.Reading Eggspress provides teachers with a comprehensive user guide as well as toolkit loaded with books, lesson plans, resources, and activities. The teacher toolkit has over 500 library book titles with worksheets and activities that they can use in conjunction with their Smart Board to interactively teach lessons to the whole class. Reading Eggspress is Instructional with Diagnostic Components Reading Eggspress provides teachers and parents with the opportunity to assign specific levels to students and differentiate instruction. For example if a third grade teacher has two students who are advanced they can automatically place them in a higher grade level.Reading Eggspress also provides teachers and parents with the option of giving each student a diagnostic placement test. This test consists of twenty questions. When the student misses three questions, then the program assigns them to the appropriate lesson that corresponds to how they did on the placement test. This allows students to skip past levels which they have already mastered and places them at the level in the program where they should be.Reading Eggspress allows teachers and parents to reset a student’s progress at any time in the program. Reading Eggspress is Fun Interactive Reading Eggspress has age appropriate themes and animations.Reading Eggspress allows users to create and personalize their own unique avatar.Reading Eggspress provides users with incentives and rewards. Each time they complete an activity, they are rewarded with golden eggs. Their egg count is kept in the top right corner of the screen. They can the eggs to buy pets, clothes for their avatar, or accessories for their house.Reading Eggspress allows users who complete a lesson to earn a collectible trading card. The user gets to select which category they want the card to be associated with including Fantastica, Beastie, Animalia, Astrotek, Starstruck, and Worldspan. Cards are then placed in the user’s apartment. Users can also purchase cards at the mall with their earned eggs.Reading Eggspress allows users to earn medals. For every thousand eggs earned in a week, a student earns a bronze medal. A silver medal is earned for five thousand eggs. A gold medal is earned for fifteen thousand eggs. Reading Eggspress allows users to keep track of targets (goals). There is a target with an arrow in the center in the top right corner of the interface. Users who click this will see targets (goals) that they have met in the program as well as targets (goals) that they have not met. Reading Eggspress is Comprehensive Reading Eggspress has several other learning activities and games aside from those in the standard 240 comprehension lessons.The Gym is where you will find all the comprehension lessons and activities. There is also a daily game located in the gym. This game changes each day and focuses on a variety of reading skills. Students can compete against other users across the nation for the daily high score.The Library consists of over 600 e-books in both fiction and non-fiction. The library is easily searchable by title or topic. Students who found a particular passage in the comprehension gym to be interesting can go to the library to read the entire book. Students can click on a single book in the library to find out information including the author, number of pages, how many eggs they can earn from reading it, and how many other users have read it. At the end of the book students will be given a comprehension quiz and they will also be able to rate the book. They can also save books tha t they especially enjoy on their favorite’s shelf. The Stadium allows you to competitively build individual skills in the areas of spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. There are four games that you can choose to challenge the computer or play head to head with another user is logged into the program at the same time. The games include spelling sprint, grammar skating, vocabulary pursuit, and freestyle usage. There are five difficulty levels for the user to choose from for each game.The Mall is the place where students can use their eggs to purchase a variety of different things. Stores in the mall include Passion for Fashion, Dressed to Thrill, Collector’s Corner, Apartment Living, and Perfect Pets.The Apartment is the place where students can change their avatar, view their trading cards, see their trophies, or decorate their apartment. The apartment also contains access to a game called Quote Quest where students use clues to search through tunnels to find quotes from different books. Students can earn eggs by finding the quotes and choosing the correct book. Cost Parents can purchase a one year subscription to Reading Eggspress for $75.00 and a 6 month subscription for $49.95. They also have the option to purchase a monthly subscription at $9.95 per month. Schools can purchase annual classroom subscriptions for 1-35 students for $269, 36-70 students for $509, 71-105 students for $749, 106-140 students for $979, 141-175 students for $1,199, 176-245 students for $1,659, 246-355 students for $1,979, 356-500 students for $2,139, 501-750 students for $3000, and 750 students will cost $4 per student. Overall Reading Eggspress is a terrific program to build a student’s reading comprehension skills. I have used this program with students and they absolutely love to use it. In fact, they will try to negotiate to stay on the program longer. As a teacher, I especially like how each lesson builds skills essential to comprehension before students are required to read and take a quiz. Reading comprehension is so much more than just passing a quiz and this program does it the right way and presents it to students through a method that is engaging, fun, and interactive. Overall, I give this program a five out five stars, because I believe it does what it is intended to do and effectively keeps the users attention at the same time.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

What Are Small Colleges What Are They Like Should I Go

What Are Small Colleges What Are They Like Should I Go SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Size is a really important factor to take into consideration when deciding where to apply to college. Both large and small colleges have their advantages, but it all really depends on what type of school will provide the best learning experience for you on a personal level. In this article, I’ll give you details about the types of experiences you can expect from small colleges and whether you should consider putting them first in your college search. What Is a Small College? A small college is typically defined as a college with a student enrollment of less than 5,000.Small colleges are characterized by more individual attention from professors and advisors, smaller class sizes, and a greater sense of community amongst students.However, they may also have fewer resources than large colleges and a less diverse social scene. Examples of small colleges include: Amherst CollegeDavidson CollegeHarvey Mudd CollegeSwarthmore CollegeWilliams College Here are some lists of the general pros and cons of small colleges: Pros Classes are usually taught by professors, not TAs, and you’ll get more of a hands-on learning experience. Many small colleges have great advising systems where students know their advisors well and have access to a lot of strong academic guidance. Classes are usually smaller even at the introductory level. Though some large colleges may cite similar student-teacher ratios to small colleges, this can be deceptive since they may be including TAs in their statistics or not factoring in the large introductory classes. You’ll run into people you know wherever you go, so you’re less likely to feel lonely. Often small colleges will allow you to design your own major that isn’t specifically offered by the school or modify majors to fit your needs. There’s usually a close-knit community feel, almost like you’re a part of a big nerdy family. You may find that there are more leadership opportunities in a smaller community. Cons Small colleges tend to have fewer research facilities and resources than large colleges. This mainly applies to the hard sciences where expensive, high-tech equipment is required for advanced research. In the humanities, the lack of cutting-edge facilities may not impact research as much. If you don't find the research materials you need in the library at a small college, many libraries are in partnership with a network of other college libraries that may have what you're looking for. It will just involve waiting a bit longer for things to be sent to you. The social scene can be less diverse and might feel claustrophobic. You won’t see big sporting events at the level of large colleges. There is usually less variety in housing choices.To give you sense of the contrast, NYU, a school with over 20,000 undergraduates, has 21 different residence halls that include old hotels and a converted monastery. This is a huge range of accomodations compared to the four residence halls you'll find at a place like Manhattanville College, which has less than 2,000 undergraduates. There may be fewer major choices (although you can usually design your own or modify your major without too much trouble). You might have less extracurricular opportunities, but you can always start your own club if you can’t find what you’re looking for! Those were some abstract pluses and minuses of small colleges. Next, we’ll take a look at how real students at schools with enrollments of 5,000 or less actually feel about the small college environment. Small Colleges: What Do Students Actually Think? The Fiske Guide to Colleges is a guidebook that provides information about the best colleges in the country based on statistics and student testimony.I picked out a few small colleges from the book and looked at quotes from students that gave details about different characteristics of the schools that related to their size.Here’s how students feel about the benefits and drawbacks of small colleges, based on my brief sampling: Manhattanville College- Purchase, NY Enrollment: 1,977 One student says, â€Å"I like how our president is involved in everything and gets to know everyone†.Students describe career services as â€Å"phenomenal†.They also say professors are â€Å"knowledgeable and passionate about their fields and about sharing that knowledge with students† and â€Å"it just feels like all the students belong to one big family†.However, size can be â€Å"an asset and an annoyance...the familial atmosphere can get claustrophobic at times†. Manhattanville allows students to design their own majors, and "those studying psychology, biology, or chemistry can conduct research with faculty." Pomona College- Claremont, CA Enrollment: 1,579 Pomona â€Å"prides itself on its diverse community†, so you don’t necessarily need to go to a huge school to access diversity.However, during midterms and finals campus can be a â€Å"social ghost town†.The Summer Undergraduate Research Program gives funds to students to conduct summer research mentored by a faculty member. Research opportunities still abound at small colleges, especially if they are highly regarded. Professors often hold study sessions at their houses, and73% of classes have less than 20 students.Only professors teach classes, so â€Å"students do not have to wait until they are upperclassmen to enjoy the benefits of working with and learning from brilliant professors†. Pomona also has the advantage of being part of a 5 college system called the â€Å"Claremont Colleges†, whose collective enrollment exceeds 5,000 students.This means that there’s a small college atmosphere, but through interactions with the other schools in the system it can feel more like a medium-sized school depending on who you are. Carleton College-Northfield, MN Enrollment: 2,035 Sixty-four percent of classes have less than 20 students.Students say, â€Å"Our profs are incredible. The instruction we receive is available not just in the classroom but during office hours, phone calls, Skype sessions, and many other modes of communication†.Students are â€Å"concerned about building a community feeling on campus† and â€Å"everyone is a bit nerdy and everyone is free to be whomever they want†. Carleton's on-campus social life is vibrant, and "most students stay on campus over the weekends because there is always so much happening." Many small colleges do have quite a bit going on in their social scenes, just with less variation in location and in smaller groups than at large universities. Students say that Carleton's surrounding town of Northfield is "quaint, but there's not much to do". Carleton College: Dat foliage Should YOU Go to a Small College? After taking all this information into account, you may still not be entirely sure whether you should go to a small college.A small college might or might not work for your college goals and personality, or some small colleges might work and some might not.To decide whether a small college is best for you, you’ll need to do a bit of reflection about your ideal learning environment and social scene. Do you thrive better in situations where you are given more academic guidance and direct access to teachers?Small colleges will offer you smaller class sizes on average and more opportunities to interact with professors on a personal level.You will also have access to advisors who will help you devise a plan for your academic career.Resources like these are helpful for students who are less sure of their path in college and may need extra guidance. What are your academic goals?If you’re looking into doing some sort of research, you should check and make sure small colleges have the resources you’ll need.As mentioned above, sometimes small colleges are lacking in the same advanced research facilities you’ll find at large schools. However, they usually offer many opportunities to work closely with professors. If you’re one for blazing your own trail major-wise, a small college may be a great option for you because you will most likely be able to design your own major rather than adhering to program constraints.There’s usually less bureaucratic red tape involved in switching majors and classes at small colleges than at large colleges because advisors and professors can afford to give more specialized attention to the needs of individual students.If everyone in the process knows you and you’re not just handing in paperwork to be processed, things don’t need to be as rigidly organized. Do you prefer familiar situations and interactions over new, unfamiliar ones?The social transition from high school to college can be smoother if you attend a small college.Even if you just make a couple of friends initially, you’re likely to see them around frequently. You'll be able to make strong social connections with other students more easily since almost everyone has some activity, class, or living situation in common at a small college.If you’re more of an introverted type who’s not going to college for the big parties, then the small college social scene may appeal to you as well (not that small colleges don’t have parties, they’re just a little less on the crazy side than big colleges!). Searching for Small Colleges So you’ve decided you’re interested in small colleges - how do you find one that you’ll like?I would recommend using College Navigator initially because you can easily search for schools by size (choose a maximum enrollment of 5,000 if you’re looking for small schools) as well as other characteristics like surrounding area and admissions rate.Just click on â€Å"more search options† at the bottom of the search panel to get access to the undergraduate student enrollment search feature. Your results will give you a list of schools you might be interested in, and f you click on any of them, you’ll get extensive data about all aspects of the school. You can also add schools to your â€Å"favorites† and compare the statistics side by side to see if one fits better with your tuition or admissions requirements.After this initial search, you should try out some other college search sites to get more details about campus life and other factors that might affect your college experience. I’d recommend signing up for a profile on Cappex. If you fill out information for all of your preferences, including student enrollment, it will find appropriate college matches for you.You can also search outright for any colleges that you found on College Navigator that looked interesting to you.You’ll find a lot more data on Cappex about life at the schools including student reviews and other information about the area and the social scene.Every school is different, so make sure size is just a starting point and not a deciding factor. Summary Small colleges are usually defined by a strong sense of community, individual academic attention, and flexible, hands-on learning experiences.Students at small colleges tend to take a lot of pride in their schools and cherish the comfortable, familiar atmosphere.You may consider attending a small college if strong relationships with your teachers and classmates are important to you and you feel you will benefit from more individually tailored academic guidance.If you prefer a more toned-down social scene and like being able to see the same small group of friends more frequently, the small college life will also probably appeal to you. That being said, be sure to treat each college individually and not judge it just by its enrollment size.Small colleges might appeal to you in a general sense, but that doesn’t mean you can choose just any small college and be happy.Devote some time to figuring out your wants and needs in tandem with your research so you can find your ideal school. What's Next? Still struggling with how to go about choosing a college that's right for you? Read my step-by-step guide on how to choose the best schools for your personality and academic goals. Planning on applying to a bunch of different schools with a variety of application requirements? Learn how to build the most versatile college application. If you're worried about how your standardized test scores may affect your chances of college admission, read about when these scores might not matter for you in the admissions process. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Figurative Language versus Literal Language Essay - 22

Figurative Language versus Literal Language - Essay Example According to the paper examples of idioms are â€Å"it is raining cats and dogs† meaning heavy rain, and â€Å"he is on the wagon† meaning that the person is not partaking of alcoholic drinks. This kind of language should be used with care when addressing non-native speakers of English. An analogy is a comparison of one idea with another. It usually finds a simple idea and uses it to explain the meaning of a more complex idea. An example of an analogy is the statement that â€Å"punctuation marks are the traffic signals of language†. By likening commas and full stops to traffic signs, the writer illuminates the concept of writing in terms of an extended comparison with driving along a street. A metaphor also compares two things or ideas, but it does so in such a way that they are merged into the one concept. An example is seen in the phrase â€Å"he is a pig†. If this phrase refers to the farmyard animal then it is a literal statement. If it refers to a hu man being then it is a rather insulting metaphor which suggests the person has bad manners and is greedy or self-indulgent in other ways. From this study, it is clear that a simile is another way of comparing one thing with another in a piece of writing. It is not the same as a metaphor because in the case of a simile the two ideas are compared using the words â€Å"like† or â€Å"as.† An example of a simile can be found in the nursery rhyme phrase: â€Å"its fleece was white as snow.† The comparison of a sheep’s coat with snow emphasizes how pure and white it is and makes for a much more interesting description than just a statement of the white color on its own. The term clichà © is borrowed from the French. It refers to a phrase which may have originally been quite memorable, but which has been overused to the point where it has become almost meaningless.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Manhattan Bagel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Manhattan Bagel - Essay Example Since its inception, the association now has over 1000 franchise members, as well as 350 suppliers and 7000 franchisee members. Manhattan Bagel Franchise Manhattan Bagel always brings fame to the customer's desires for each varied sensation in flavour. It also creates a very uniquely attractive place featuring traditional as well as modern selections for their meals. The company is about authentic food for the real people, this serves in a way suggesting that each customer is a treasured neighbour. The companies’ authentic food includes, the award winning bake bagels and boil, and also goes right in to our appetizing and freshly baked food. The success of Manhattan stores depends on various factors, this includes availability of the suitable stores sites and securing of lease terms for new locations, also, should consider the company’s ability to obtain or acquire construction and also other necessary permits in timely manner, moreover, ability to meet schedules set for construction, the financial and capabilities of company’s main franchisees, lastly the company should have business and general economy conditions (Grumet). Its success partially depends on the ability it has to attract, contract and retain suitable franchisees and their abilities to open and also operate each of the stores successfully. To spice it all, Manhattan business may be subjected to changes in the products tastes to maintain consumers, local and regional economic conditions, national, type and the trends in demography, location and number of the businesses competing. The competition is always increasing in Bagel industry significantly with the increasing number of regional, local and national stores competition for locations of stores and franchisees, as well as their customers. The services offered by the company are standardized and maintained by the authorities’ regular checks (Grumet). It understands and also acknowledges that each and every detail or in formation that is valid to the company is given attention. Through this, the company maintains high standards in its operations and product demands are in that case increased, sold all over the markets by their stores while the reputation and goodwill is protected. Manhattan Bagel Strengths Manhattan Bagel strengths are seen in the company’s brand which exists with franchisee field support structure. It began at its inception and thereafter polished and honed ever since. The other strength of Manhattan Bagel is the senior positions in the management are filled with the veterans from the company thus bringing a very strong background operating the business. The leadership in the company is also very skilful and experienced in all supporting departments. Moreover, the program in the company extends the daily operations in individual store, from the right manuals supply to topical training thorough field support. Additionally, while the company strive to uphold the standards of their stated brands, it also works with franchisees on a consultative base through the Franchise Consultant network to help it improve by moving the brand forward. The company also has in-house culinary department ranking with the best in industry (Grumet). The culinary researchers in the company and seasonal chefs are considered to be constant quest for the future of the Manhattan. Through this, the company franchisees showcased and the cutting edge culinary prospered in the markets. Manhattans Bagel weaknesses Though many companies have gone into